Black Giving Futures Tools

Thanks for being a part of the global Black Philanthropy Month Movement, celebrating and empowering our giving year-round for fair access to all forms of capital and racial equity worldwide.  BPM’s 2024 theme is “Afro-Futures of Giving.”   


The Afro-Futures of Giving Survey

Real change starts with a new vision of the future.  Please help our people worldwide co-create a new future of Black giving by answering three brief questions in this survey.  Remember to answer the questions about where you live and give us permission to share your feedback anonymously as part of our BPM 2024 planning and convenings.

Also, please send us a photo visually depicting your vision of a more powerful Black giving future.  Also, audiorecord your description of a Black Giving Future.  The photo and audorecording can be sent to us at You are Black Giving’s Future.  Thanks for sharing your energy and ideas!